This is a page dedicated to a walk that became nicknamed 'The Bell Walk' comprising 6 'legs' outlining an area and took place Sept'08 to Oct'09.... walking with the fluidity of mobile church out on the road and calling for God's heart from one part of the nation to another. An opportunity to bring all you call for in your own living room, as part of a movement from place to place, connecting the land with steps of faith and our steps of faith with the land. I have been involved in 'prayer' walking in this nation and abroad, particularly in Wales and the Near/Middle East.
The rhythm of this mobile praying is accessible to all abilities of long or short distances, you do not have to be a walker or prayer 'extraordinaire'! Rather, a willing body with a journeying faith and a few utterances will go a long way as feet touch the land with the 'Makers' heart.
Walk 1 : Bournemouth to Brighton
11th September to 14th September 2008
I have been feeling for a while now that there is something to be opened up along the south coast where the land meets the sea. I believe that there is a 'birthing' place to be marked out that is on this coast and to call for this. So far I have sight of a section of coast between Bournemouth to Brighton, including the seaside towns, villages and islands between these places. Back in 1997, I saw something that God showed me that I believe is to do with now and this section of the land to be walked. I am not saying that this is solely about the south coast but rather that it is a place of birthing.....
'I saw a woman, a dairy maid by the look of her dress, and she was in labour. She was very distressed and seemed to be completely shocked that she was pregnant let alone giving birth. This was so distasteful to her and did not have her approval or consent. She shook her head from side to side in disbelief, ‘This cannot be possible’ she was saying. She was resisting this fact but it was outside of her control and there was nothing she could do about it. Although hidden from her until this moment, this baby was in her womb and she would give birth. God said to me ‘The United Kingdom is like a woman in labour.’ (The Labour Party had just got in)
The prayers of the saints over years and decades had been prayed with tears that had fallen on the ground over and over. This sowing of prayer and tears had gone deep into the ground and formed new life that is now coming to birth.
I saw the child once born; He was called John the Baptist, this new life would be wild, unconventional, uncontrollable, calling in the Desert;
‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him’
After seeing this labour I saw a 50th anniversary with 50 candles lit marking Jubilee.
'This new life that has come forth from the land is to provide for the redemption of the land. (Lev 25 v 24)'
So a team of 13 wended their way from Bournemouth though Southampton, Portsmouth, Selsey, Bognor, Littlehampton, Worthing and finishing at Brighton....pier to pier! The walkers were right mixture of the north and south of England, gathering to call for an opening in the land and God's purposes to be birthed. We walked with such grace and ease taking time to fill up on Jesus and allowing the Holy Ghost to move in us and break our way of doing things. Holy Spirit 'breakers' must broken, it is never us and only Him. So we aligned ourselves with the Wave of Heaven coming to earth to break on us continually. Where the sea meets the land we walked for two to become one, heaven to earth, to enjoy and embody a wave of His presence across the south coast.
We were grateful to be sent out by Dave Griffiths at the Apostolic Faith Church in Bournemouth, it is 100 years old this November and arose with the Welsh revival spawning 100's of churches in Africa that still exist today. He is a young prophet that is a new shoot from an old root and calling for life.
As we crossed by ferry to Portsmouth Island with the sun shining, out of the blue it suddenly rained accompanied by thunder! A Portsmouth prophet who waiting at the docks to meet us was suitably awed and heaven was so evident to those who walked through that city.
After 40 miles of walking, we reached the village of Selsey, another Island, and there was such a fresh connection with the Holy Spirit, we ran, calling, shouting, invigorated all the way to our resting point, a home called 'Ardmore', meaning Greatest High!
Paul Sanderson on the team has birthed many community projects from Bognor to Brighton and was ecstatic to weave this way of praying through his home turf. Having prophetically bought a puncture repair kit, he ended up repairing a young boys tyre who's dad had just been diagnosed with a terminal illness. After praying the boy's Grandmother declared, 'We were meant to meet you today'.
The signs are in the land and as we walked on mass into Brighton, my mother with walking stick setting the last pace, the intimacy and peace of Jesus rested on us and lingered in the air around us. Murray, the tallest, largest man amongst us knelt down and kissed the land praying for the intimacy of Jesus.
We fell silent while a gentle breeze brushed our faces. Brightonians looked on as if they could feel the sudden peace that had descended on the busy promenade.
Brighton is so other, so alternative, there is no room for the rule book or tradition, it is a breakout place and there much room for God to burst out in shape and form that has not been seen before. A God who is so other than our control, who springs up in a place that seems so far from Him but is so able to let the radical rise and something new come forth.
So we walked from a place with an old root to a place with a new root and whatever He sounds like, whatever He looks like, we just want Jesus to come.
To my friends Lucy, Andy, Soo, Lizzy, Val, Chris, Phil, Linda, Mum, Murray, Paul and John, the crack was good and you are ace.
In September 2008, a group of us walked from Bournemouth to Brighton on the South coast to call for what God wants to open up. I now see that that walk was part of the 'shape' we had stood for in faith earlier at Easter. So I am calling for a team to walk on from Brighton along the coast to Margate which would continue along this marked out area. I do believe I am on my way to the furthest northern point of this 'shape' which is Lincoln.
As we continue to walk the West of the UK calling for what is rising there, it is for inheritance and an uncovering of the indigenous Christianity that spread like wild fire across this land. So now as we walk the East side we call for ‘a hand of blessing’ to rise and bless England to lower itself and receive what God is releasing from the West. I also think there is room to look further to the East where a monastic desert movement, away from empires control was formed. The kind of which was mirrored in the roots of Christianity wonderfully originating in the West of our Islands.
Walking this bit of coast undoubtedly raises issues of incomings and outgoings, mainland Europe, the sea and our identity as an island of islands! We will tank up on the Holy Spirit afresh in the present continuous tense so as to lock on to the face of Jesus, taken up with His consuming love for us.
So a team of 14 walked the coastline onwards from Brighton pier.
The 'City Gate' Brighton based church hosted our 'kick off' as the team met for the first time. Linda Yoxon from Lincoln came to see us off bringing a bubbly blessing of joy. The 'shape' of this walk looks like a bell, the 'ring a ding-ding' was literal as she gave us an American 'liberty' bell and a bell from the middle east to carry simultaneously.
We walk for the east in response to what is rising the west of the UK. On a larger scale, as far as west and east coming together we were happy to straddle 3 continents in our call! Drawing on an ancient Damascus well across to the awakening of the Jesus movement above the hills of San Francisco suits us fine!
Here, the call is for an indigenous way that belongs to these Islands where Roman verses Celt was the original 'war' for Christianity. A sign that the Roman layer of religion and control is beginning to lift and peel back at the edges was quietly prophesied to me a year ago and this sign appeared a week before we walked. With this in mind we were walking for Jesus to come and cleanse the land of the paganism and occult that religion and control hold in place.
The Key for us is intimacy with Jesus and getting so blasted with His joy that the burden remains light and the yoke easy. We did not want to get caught up with the 'footstool' but rather the King of Kings who for the Joy set before Him went to the cross in our stead. So we walked in the joy of the job already done and relieved from the duty of looking to ourselves to somehow add or take away from His complete work.
It is Welsh friends that I have to thank for the reckless pursuit of Jesus that intoxicates and immobilises my own control, endeavour and strength. Free wheeling with the Holy Spirit so takes the pressure off!!
In beautiful spring sunshine we absorbed beach promenades one after the other and continued to stride (ha!) over white cliffs where the seven sisters had definitely experienced a gift of multiplication. We navigated our way through a mix of quaint or fully automated ports into the heart of coastal Kent where French mobile signals swap for English in the proximity of foreign land and new adventure.
It was a pleasure to sit with Leanne, Jane and David over a glorious meal in Brighton, we were complete strangers but so welcomed. It was a last minute opening but Brighton welcomed with a flourish as is it's gift to do so. An alternative place which looks so far yet is easily so near to the Father's heart and has a DNA that will see something of God rise that is so new it may not even be recognised. The households we stayed with inhabited hospitality, connected deeply with the less than pretty side of town and had wonderful connections with the near and middle east. As we walked east this was a God encounter.
It is wonderful how God uses our mistakes to accomplish His work, there were 3 points that were particularly hard which often means we end up literally going back and forth over the same bit of ground not unlike a sawing action across the land.
The Sussex/Kent border was one, we past the 'Welcome to Kent' sign many times manoeuvring cars and retrieving forgotten keys! As we waited to assemble, a crescent moon hung sideways in the sky like a smile under a single brilliant star.... it looked so familier we stared it.....and then realised why, it was placed like Lincoln is above the circular lens around south London.
Dover was a hurdle and it felt like we went into slow motion, trying to keep 'on piste' whilst some were definitely 'off piste' stuck under a cliff! But as 2 of the team pressed on into Dover they encountered on the cliff top a God fearing woman in tears, distressed and desperate, kneeling over a bible. She was impoverishedly dressed, homeless and from Europe. They gave her what they had but were overwhelmed with this woman's faith. Just 50 yards before they had prayed for welcome in action for those that come to these shores. As they prayed with her, she in turn prayed for them and was so thankful to God even though she materially had nothing. These two walkers, both Angela's, were unsure whether the woman was angel or human but knew they had encountered God and a massive sign for the land.
Crossing Sandwich took 3 attempts and if we blinked we were lost! But this proceeded a strong walk into Thanet, ringing the awakening bells as we flew round the coast to Margate. We stepped up a gear pulling through with Holy Spirit propulsion all that has risen in our own lives, every thread from every groove our feet have trod to sew this area into the God weaved tapestry.
We were hosted In Deal for 2 days by the Evan's family, Chris and Sue allowed us to swamp their home while they fed us delicious food. Again the connection with the East was present as they had lived in Egypt and Sri Lanka. God's people are His gateways and we had such laughter in this true Well, fanned by Angels wings. A season of Hibernation is giving way to a new season, false canopies are being dismantled and rolled up. Gateway homes are being opened up for the wells they are, as the people of The Way rest and drink by them.
Honour to a great team; Phil and Val from Leeds, Linda from Lincoln, Sarah and Angela from Herts.
Sue, Paul, Angie and Alex from Cobham. Sue, Louise and Juliet from the south coast and Chris and Sue from Deal.
Two days after finishing this walk on the 3rd March ....
'An earthquake has shaken a coastal town in Kent - in nearly the same spot as a tremor two years ago. The British Geological Survey (BGS) said it recorded the earthquake at 1435 GMT in Folkestone of 3.0 magnitude, compared with the quake in 2007 which was 4.3. The epicentre of the 2007 quake was in the Channel, but this tremor was about three miles (5km) below Folkestone. A lot of people will have felt it and remembered the last one.' 22hrs later the next one was in Newport, South Wales (1.6 magnitude)....
The land is responding for the 'sons of God to come into their own'......and all creation's straining on tiptoe just to see.............Glory days and glory ways!
The fourth leg will be on a direct line walking from Romford to Lincoln which will be a point of arrival and a place of influence that can affect the whole area being walked and marked out. I am so grateful to Linda Yoxon in Lincoln and that from the Easter celebration in 2008, the 'Linc' has been constant.
The Walk....
Starting long the coast towards Herne Bay, then Whitstable and Faversham it was quiet and non eventful, as if all was asleep in daylight hours.
We maintained the simple motion of walking with the feeling of being in a time warp, as if connection with reality was elusive. Were we actually attached to the rails of the track we sort to pick up? Pulling through from Bournemouth.... from Wales.... from the near and middle East...from Whitby to Rome to Jerusalem....and all that has been walked for calling for the ways of control to be derailed by a God who loves us into The Way of the Trinity.
Here we were, the formidable five from Leeds, S Coast and Deal close to the heart of 'Holy Romanised Britain', skirting around Canterbury like a nervous mouse aware that the cat is in the house and...and nothing. The weird thing is that the walking is not about the walking. Just walking is not enough, but when focused on Jesus and His wonderful face there is a connection between the nature of the ground our feet touch and the will of heaven that engages on us every level.
So when there is nothingness and doubts seep into the vacuum where engagement needs to take place, the temptation to look to oneself is strongest. It is yet another opportunity to be relieved from the duty of looking to ourselves, like Peter looking down and immediately sinking, our efforts are not required! When the pressure to be 'doing' something ignites freedom to enjoy Jesus loving on us, it is a big prayer especially when control is in the house.
Nothing, nothing...nothing...Bam! We hit Sittingbourne and the cat and mouse game was over, no more hiding, Kent came out to play and it was rough! Nearing the end of the first day, it took 2 hours to get through this town of corporate landscape, a giant industrial/retail park made up of roundabouts. This 'watcher', this 'door keeper' held us up, mixed us up and extricating ourselves from it's steely clutch was a task.
The next day was no easier, Sheppey, The Medway towns and Hoo peninsular to reach Gravesend was heavy work. Four of us navigated this coast with a mirth that grew thin as if all behind was sucking us back and all before us was barring the way. We were thankful to 3 Medway men who caught up with us at the boundary to bless our entry.
In the late afternoon sun with at least 20 miles to go, we set our faces to push the miles under our feet and cover the 'Hoo' peninsular. It was lush and beautiful. Rows of Poplars lined the fields and orchards like a scene out of 'Gladiator'... strikingly Romanesque. It was here a degree of peace descended and The Lion walked with us in the surge of extra strength or finding a way where there is no path, nudging us forward until it was done and Kent, contested from entry to exit, was finally in the bag.
On day three we continued across the Thames from Canvey Island to Romford and then north. Walking in Essex brought respite and lightened the feet, many joined us from the area taking up the slack and allowing us to be weary and carried. It was good to turn on our heels from heading west to the heart of Romford and face north towards Lincoln.
As Phil, a trusty Leeds steed sped back to family, Welsh reinforcements arrived for the last push on day four as Dave and Josh travelled 170 miles to raise our arms and walk with us thro Harlow and up to Royston. A peaceful end to a challenging journey which culminated in standing in St Albans for the winds of change and in preparation for the walk to Lincoln in June.
Jane Almond in Romford was a strong link and it was a pleasure to be in her home and connect with a definite 'node' on this 'shape'. Sue Evans from Deal gave us right of passage from the last walk accompanying us safely through her land on day one. Angela Austin stood in St Albans, a difficult place for a Boadicea and we honour you. Sarah Holloway of Wheathamstead, lowly in the high ground, opposing all that could have swallowed you whole, you are the underground resistance. Dave Griffiths in Bournemouth for being the anchor and holding it in place. Linda Yoxon in Lincoln, taking the squeeze as Lincoln's time for change arrives, we are on our way to receive the hand that blesses and stand with you in readiness.
My absolute gratitude to Sue, Val, Phil and Lizzie for being part of this mad enterprise and all your support. All who joined us, Vaughnee, Joshie, Gerry, Ann, Chris, Sean and Avril. To April and Derek in Herne Bay for hosting us so wonderfully. Jane and Gerry for all your provision and care of us. Huge appreciation for every single prayer, text, encouragement and support, it means so much.
Our Jeep went to Wales 4 times last year and each trip it developed very serious and expensive faults whilst there.
While I was walking out of Brighton, Malc took the Jeep to Wales again and sure enough it stopped dead 2 miles outside Cardiff! One of the team from the St Albans area a saw a picture of a white rose on the jeep and said it was connected to the breakdowns. Another felt it was connected to where the Jeep was was bought in St Albans. I wondered what the white rose meant but did not want to jump to conclusions.
A week later Malc returned home with the Jeep working, only to find that once parked it had stopped dead outside our house. While shocked that the Jeep had stopped again, I had to cycle to the local Indian to pick up an order. While I paid, the waiter handed me a white rose, it was like being hit round the face! This had never happened in 12 years of take outs! As I cycled home I rapidly began to feel ill and ended up in bed with no appetite for dansak. The white rose weighed on my mind it looked so pure and fragile, it seemed to represent something very tender and precious.
The draw was to look into who Alban was, the '1st Christian martyr'.
In AD 250 (approx) he was a pagan who took in a Welsh Priest 'Amphibalus' on the run from the Roman army. Alban was converted by 'Amphibalus' and when the Romans came knocking, he took the endangered priests cloak and impersonated him. When found out, Alban was ordered to sacrifice to the Roman gods.
He refused and confessed Christ. So Alban was executed and then sacrificed to the Roman gods. Amphibalus was caught in Caerleon, South Wales having escaped and convinced many Britons of Christ. He was returned to St Albans and executed. Amphibalus means 'cloak' we don't even know the name of the Welsh priest but it is suggested that he was the Bishop on Llandaff (Cardiff) in the ancient church of the Britons.
A single white rose represents Pure Love.....Jesus love.....
This 3rd leg of the walk finished with going to St Alban's with 2 white roses to lay in the city as a reminder of why these two men died. To expose a true root that opposes control in the only way possible and is a deeper magic that can break any stone table. Amphibalus' broken shrine is in the cathedral, we knelt to honoured his life and called for the awakening of a new day and a new time. Alban's shrine so stank of religion so we hot footed it on to the street and up Holywell Hill where he was executed. We stood between Lamb Avenue and a closed down pub called 'The Bell' and downloaded heaven, calling up all that is buried to be uncovered and got so whacked from the wind of the Spirit.
We declared south to Brighton a pure love between men and north to Lincoln a ceasing of self preservation and self love.
St Albans is a Chester, where a foothold of the roman control digs deep. These feet will seek to hold out the longest but it is time for them to be uprooted. St Albans is in the heart of this shape we walk and this is where it starts.
We walk to Lincoln on Alban and Amphibalus' feast days, 22nd and 25th June, exactly one year on from spending a night on St Wilfred's 'mound' representing Lincoln and the south coast. We were calling for a new way having been so touched and transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit that is currently rising in Wales. I totally honour the Cymri and say without you we are half a person....
Your brokeness our brokeness and Your healing our healing.
I believe that God is marking out a territory that is to shift, where there is a key connected to Lincoln that will affect the entire South East. I believe this 'shape' to be just the beginning of a mapping that will step by step reveal pathways to undo the footholds of Roman control. This is connected to the Chesters which will hold out the longest to where they have rooted.
If Brighton is in place where the sound of this ‘bell’ is heard, the ' ring-a-ding ding', it will certainly be a very alternative wake up call that has not been heard before, lined up with pure time to straighten out the kinks causing perversion.
If Lincoln became enraptured with Jesus instead of itself then its influence would be like a beam of pure light flooding the South…so time to lay down the pride that looks to self.
Prayer walking is about being caught up with Jesus and not His footstool! Being loved on by Jesus is the biggest prayer to pour through our feet.
In a dream I was walking to Lincoln and in the sky words appeared above me as God spoke saying..'All must come out of rest now' there was no room for compromise on this now. This will be integral to the walk to Lincoln, a controlling place that would drive us and demand human effort of the highest kind to feed it's love of self. So I believe this is the battle ground and that we will be challenged to come in the utter rest of Jesus. So I am calling this the whack walk...a whalck!!! We are going to get so jacked to do this whalck because I know it will be the only way possible!!
The deepening of metaphors such as the white rose and the shape/sound of a bell on this walk are constructing something like an earthly constellation where the fixed points are only the beginning....
There is such an authority coming to tell the land how it is to be, what is to be restored and offering redemption as true choice.
Walking to Lincoln was strong and with faces like flint we drew on Jesus with every ounce of our being. Breathing in joy, glory and life lest that which we walked into should crush the airy lightness out of us.
We began in St Albans on Alban's feast day. Enveloped with Jesus' selfless love lining us inside and out, heaven stayed with us invading our senses and suspending us in a beautiful presence. That morning believers in St Alban's specifically went to the heart of their town to pray for release from free masonry. As we set off north of Romford we consciously carried what they had staked in the ground there.
There was small relief from the old roman road as the only way forward but we took every advantage to gain respite from a country lane. The road was tired, lifeless and draining, encouragements such as 'instruments of destruction', 'roads cracking and cobbles flying', 'pushing over walls that had already been shaken' were welcome.
Peterborough was an major encounter with nine miles from start to finish we took each mile for each year since 2000. We rehearsed the pain, death, hope, birth and the new in our lives from 2001-2009. We pulled Peterborough with us into the ninth mile finishing at St Pega's Road, 2009 and a new wine skin in an ancient track where Jesus just rested on us. Peterborough was a place to be seized and wrestled to the ground, a man of war to be subdued to lay down and not usurp, nor to borrow or obscure the light that is Lincoln's as a high place of influence. Instead it is a soft landing where many people's are welcome and it's strength lies in it's breadth, not its height. If places, like people, would stop trying to be what they are not they will find such peace and flourish.
With this city behind the first half of the walk felt complete. The second half was like a new walk. Lincoln was now in view and fresh team members joined us from Chester adding to those from Leeds, St Albans, Chichester and Worcester. Four significant roman 'chester' cities, places where control has it's footholds and will hold out longest against being up rooted. Lincoln is a major 'chester'.
The road felt so devoid of life....Lincoln seemed to charm us with a sleepy sympathetic 'curl up and forget all about it' which seductively stroked our weariness. The scot amongst us was untouched and trojan-like she stomped amongst us wee flopsy bunnies disturbing our reverie.
'And now... ALL must come out of Rest' had loudly been decreed by God as an audible instruction over this walk. The mocking 'rest' dulling our senses was to be shaken off into actively drinking 'It is finished' wine, receiving the strength of a complete work and walking 'Loved'.
In this 'second' stage of the walk if we drank we flew, if we forgot we quickly remembered. Roman market towns steeped in free masonry and tight control became the wells from which we drank. Sudden gusts of wind would rise and so would we as if our feet had wings. Angels would unfurl, spinning and rising in the marketplace as we past.
We arrived in Lincoln on St Amphibalus' feast day, the Welsh priest Alban died protecting. We were to head for the centre, no beach, no margin, no hiddeness but to the arches between the cathedral and the castle itself. Little people in the land of giants with a decree and a message for the ear of Lincoln.
This is a day of decision for Lincoln, a high place of influence that has been used, thwarted, twisted and deformed. God will restore to Lincoln its true calling and fulfillment of all it should be if it will turn from love of self to selfless love. This gift of governance is servant leadership, the place from where a 'bishops' hand will rise to bless England to lower itself in order to raise up that which it has repressed.
No label or recognition will come with this and where such things should have been Lincoln's which is part of its pain, this is a day of operating without that need. The comfort of the Lord to Lincoln is that it will be returned to its true state and influence in servant leadership which will bring peace and fulfillment. This is jubilee, this is redemption and a chance to start again.
Lincoln is the at the apex of this bell and Brighton produces the sound.
Having walked this week with Paul Wood and Adam Clarke through east and north London, the need for Lincoln to be in place and issuing God's boundaries, instruction and discipline is paramount.
What is arriving on the back of the Olympics representing ancient empire and control must not find the map as it expected. The likely places for it's talons to sink into our nation must become a confusion, a grid that has so shifted beneath the surface that the old game of empire is confounded and a misfit to the DNA of this nation.
We scuttle around being faithful and obedient... we do not have to become a giant to bring giants down, we simply find the shoe laces, tie them together and let them bring themselves down.
God is breaking control in this nation whatever it puts on from it's dressing up box, be it masonic, roman, christian, islamic or occultic garb. God is taking us to the root and the apostasy of impersonating the Creator and littering creation with so many counterfeit female deities to defile that which came from the heart and womb of God.
There are myriads of connections that have come on this walk that are too many to share here suffice to say that those who walked with me are God given and vital connections. Val a dear friend and load bearer when I drop off. Sue with enormous heart and insight. Angela a provoking sign that so enabled me, Sarah's worship & rebel yell, Gracie mystic in2meC, Aidan mydearheart, Linda wise, Jane the Kiss, fun Ruthie, Phil's persistance, Mike's enthuse and David's joy.
Huge thanks to Sue and Paul Butler for hosting us just near Cambridge, great to have some time together with you.
Linda Yoxon, you have been the main life line to Lincoln for us and having us all in your house was such a fulfillment from a year ago sleeping rough on some weird dodgy mound near my house. I am so glad you did not do me the same favour!! Love to you and Mike. My thanks to Gill for help with the masonic stuff.
To everyone who prayed and covered our backs, all who cheer us on and believe in us, to husbands who release their women to the wild wonder!
For all that is rising in Wales and way beyond.
Having reached Lincoln on 25th June, a team will be walking out of Lincoln as far south as possible towards Maidenhead as part 5 of 6 walks. This is outlining an area of land that covers London and the South East connected to Lincoln and St Albans. Once completed, this embryonic shape will begin to reveal a way to disconnect and dismantle the wiring of control on the inside of the nation;
Control...The Final Frontier....
The rule of control is to divide and conquer, to hinder all that is divided in two from becoming one.
It was a pleasure to stand for a moment in the centre of Lincoln and say thank you for receiving us. We walked 'tall' out of the city against the flow of people traffic flocking to the centre and we knew it's umbrella of protection would be afforded to us as far as was possible.
We were unable to find accommodation in peoples homes beyond Lincoln so we camped alongside a camper van that God so timely provided. I have so appreciated being able to connect with those who live and stand at the key points on this walk. Bournemouth, Brighton, Deal, Romford, St Albans and Lincoln have been such supports and I believe Maidenhead will be the next. It has felt like we are erecting a massive canopy over the land with the main supports in these places. So maybe the fact that we were in tents camping was a sign!
I do believe that in correlation to the 'Control' diagram, we have walked up the 'East' 'Left' side to Lincoln. Now we walk down the 'Right' 'West' side from Lincoln which has been dominant in England and where the control has favoured. Therefore it was no surprise to me that the 'Right' side was unable to accommodate the 'Left' side as yet. So we teach the land by who we are and literally walking and resting on it (lilos included....lie low England...ha! there is a meaning in everything!!! ).
If you draw a line between Lincoln and Maidenhead it manages to miss every conurbation. So we walked a hidden way, the way that is in between places and a reminder that it is in between that 2 becomes 1. It was a test to ignore the towns and cities we passed to our left and our right and the feeling that we 'should' set our feet there and 'do' something. Instead, for two days we meandered through countless 'chocolate box' villages enjoying the land, the Sonshine and the 'ease' that Lincolnshire had to offer.
On entering Northamptonshire above Corby we walked into a tiny village, Deene and Deene Park Estate, seat of the Earl of Cardigan.(The 7th one was infamous!) Another pretty village yet... our stomachs turned with a feeling of dread as if we had stepped over an invisible boundary and into a minefield. We were threatened on the road and followed, every public way through had been blocked and of the many geometric war memorials along the way Deene's made your head spin just looking at it. Finding a way through was indicative of 'what' we were walking through but this unseen 'road block' was a nut that had to be cracked. With ways hindered at every turn, waist high nettles, 8ft fences and overgrown woodland, we just knew that every step was making a way through. It took 2 hours to move 3 miles south and every minute was worthit!
Northamptonshire was not please to see us, not one camping ground would take us bar one in the very village where believers lived that we knew. This hard county was hostile to Jesus' way so we took our time to make every step count.
Two swans and 5 signets spent the 2 days with us at the campsite in Northamptonshire. The eremitic bishop Hugh of Lincoln is depicted with his right hand on a swans head. This swan had a deep and lasting love for the saint, even guarding him while he slept. It would follow him about and was his constant companion whilst he was at Lincoln. With 5 on team and we took comfort from the 5 ungainly signets being guarded fiercely by these beautiful creatures!
Bedfordshire was noticeably softer ground and Buckinghamshire put up more of a fight. The biggest hurdle was to get past was Milton Keynes, a place to be taken not by seizing it but rather 'walking by' it. As we crossed the M1 entering it's jurisdiction it was like opening door. Sure enough the heavens opened with driving rain above us but in front of us the grey cloud parted forming a circle of sun drenched white cloud Michael Angelo style! There was such strength for walking this place just skimming it's eastern border helped by a stonking home guard taking authority and covering our backs. We carved a wild path through ploughed fields, industrial blots on the landscape and hidden bridleways. Soaking wet we called for new lines to be set in the land, for the spirit of Jesus to flow through new Jesus 'ley lines' that pull the area like a magnet into His ways.
Milton Keynes did however cause havoc with internal compasses as we sought to get further south to finish. The amount of 'off-piste' occurrences hampered our progress with quite creative detours and so we completed the walk 15 miles short of our original itinerary but at a key juncture. A place called 3 locks on what was the Grand Union canal. I believe that this is a place to call for the unlocking of a 3 tiered locking system that holds the area. This is depicted by 3 triangular shapes that begins at 3 locks and completes at Milton Keynes. I would not have had sight of this had we not got lost that day. So we will return to this point at the beginning of the 6th and final leg of this walk to hopefully turn the key in the barrel.
My huge thanks to all who helped, supported and carried us. To the Stewart family for coming with us and setting up camp, Ian, Zach, Hamish and Angus. To Adrian and Jacquie Dykstra from Bridgend, Mags 'motor snail' Tyler from the Wirral, Baz and Linda Gascoyne from Sheffield, Sarah 'toff' Holloway from St Albans and Soo all amazing Stewart from Chichester.
This final leg will go through Maidenhead and return to Bournemouth to complete the outline of a bell-like shape. I have felt to have this shape walked and marked out by the end of the year 2009.
This will be a 5 day walk starting at the three locks just south of Milton Keynes.
There is some business to be done at the 3 locks as we kick off which I hope will unlock the area of Milton Keynes. There is a key connection to stay right in that area the night before the walk with gate keepers who have stood where it has been hard to stand.
For me there are key 'nodes' on this outline, Maidenhead and Bournemouth are 2 of these so to connect with both on this walk is a substantial part of the whole walk. This feels like a big push to complete and finish well so that all is in place for the coming year. I do not know how this proceeds into next year but I have hopes!
I hope for deeper revelation to unlock the footholds of control within this area, the areas it has affected and those it is connected to.
I am hoping for the bell to start to sound in Brighton and across the south coast.
I am hoping for Lincoln to start to express a selflessness and for St Albans to unearth a deeper magic of pure love that lays down it's life.
I am hoping for a righteous influence to bring governance and discipline to London from Lincoln. An influence without position.
I hope for massive healing to course through the West Midlands where the welts of division are like open wounds from the south east up into that area.
I hope for England to reposition, to lower itself into servant leadership and to raise Wales, the South West, Scotland and Ireland above itself.
I hope for new words to be written on fresh english pages from the inkwells of Damascus to the pounding of the hills above San Francisco of the Jesus movement.....Ah! Many hopes but just following heavens impressions on my heart without huge amounts of understanding.
Some places are tiny and of no significance, yet we trip over them as if they are major concerns. Suddenly we are dealing with unseen boundaries and connections that hold control in the land but on the ground are barely existent. Walking caught up with Jesus brings such revelation in the ease and lightness of just being with Him.
A special request of the Most High for the 5 days of walking was 'serene' weather which was delivered first class :) With a great mix of Wales, Leeds, South Coast, St Albans and Chester pulling for this completion, we kicked off at the 3 Locks south of Milton Keynes. We sat in the 'Amies' family home sharing why we were there as we watched the flames of the open fire lick around an cast iron Bell protruding from the back of the grate.
We talked of 3 triangular areas possibly connected to 3 locks on the local canal. We find out that the smallest of these triangles is where four murders have taken place in the last year. The next triangle has the roman Watling street running through it on which sat one of the main Assizes (old criminal court). The largest triangle takes in Milton Keynes and is bordered by Watling Street, the roman road to Chester from St Albans and the Northants border. I suspected a direct connection to the tiny village of Deane where we hit such poo (technical spiritual term) on the last walk. Clare Amies then proceeded to tell me that they as family have a direct connection with the Lady at Deane Park through marriage.
I have noticed that in areas that are locked up with death that God always has a faithful gate keeper, a key. Someone who is willing to lay down their own hopes and dreams in order to stay in an area which can feel like voluntarily laying down in a coffin! It is like He places a living key in the barrel of a lock and when the time comes, the living key turns and unlocks what the deceiver thought was deadlocked. There is always a deeper magic and Clare, just like Jesus, you are that living key....thank you :)
So the 'living key' turns at 3 locks unlocking 3 triangles geographically from smallest to largest. It was like God was saying... whatever you do in the smallest area I will replicate in the larger areas so go and do whatever you like and have some fun! So we did... to ultimately shift a shadow that covered most of Northants and north Bucks.
Afterwards we were free to plow on to Maidenhead although my connection there was in Mozambique! Annie Bullen and her husband Julian have been there for a year living amongst and helping the Koti people. They are remarkable and welcomed us from afar as we walked into their hometown alongside the Stocks of Marlow who looked after us incredibly. Three adjacent roads in Maidenhead centre caught my eye, Key Place, King Street and Bell Road so we headed there. A young man, Davey Jones welcomed us just as we arrived at the connection of these 3 roads where there was a pub with a massive sign saying 'The Bell'. We had to tarry for a drink at such a great sign.
Winged feet sped us south west now on the run to Bournemouth. Since Lincoln the path seems to deliberately avoid large towns; All that is between Reading and Wokingham is a motorway intersection which was right in our path but there was no way to cross this blot on the landscape. Such monstrosities on the land become obvious on foot, so Janey from Chester and I made our way where there was no way, for the sake of change at this key cross roads which includes the M4 to S Wales.
The further south we trekked, the harder the ground generally felt with the odd bounce on a bridle way or secluded lane which became less all the while. From this point on we were a team of 3, 3 buddies and 3 women.
Basingstoke in Hampshire, is shaped like an arrowhead directed straight at Bournemouth and was a place our feet were to touch right through it's line of symmetry. I had bought a cast iron bell on line and noting it was from Basingstoke, arranged to pick it up on route. As I stood in the vendors home, above the doorway were the words 'Chester House'...back in 1997 God laid on my heart about 'the Chesters' being the footholds of control that would hold out the longest and be the last places to relinquish control. I have felt that this shape I am walking is directly connected to this. As the occupier of Chester House informed me that he had wrapped up the bell so that the clacker would not sound, I giggled....this is all so madly wonderful, I am so free to not have a clue and enjoy the humour!
Winchester's territory is almost on Basingstoke's doorstep, this Chester sprawls like a spider web across the countryside and again in the most unlikely of tiny places we hit it's restriction and keep out sign. By a pond and 6 houses, barely a village and we can feel the familiar invisible wall. All public access ways were blocked except the roman way in, which Scottish Val pounded her way down head butting invisible legions as she went. These high level control places always manifest confusion so it was no surprise to then discover the car keys were lost... but Jesus always has his stewards on hand. We are forever indebted to a stranger called Mary coming to our rescue and carting us round the countryside. Also a friend, Keith from Winchester who has frequented our holy spirit drinking times at home happened to drive past me and stopped. This connection apart from being amazing timing prevented me taking a dire route choice.
The last adventure as Bournemouth lay before us was the New Forest, a place conserved by royal command for centuries where animals have the priority with in an ancient tradition of land management. It was like entering a fairytale land of enchantments and charms. Nothing is as it seems, time has gone for a nap and hoodwinking is a habitual pastime. We slipped and slid over it's slippery surface as if on an ice rink. The witchcraft was so strong but there was also something else. Creation felt so much more alive although it was certainly not ready to address or enter into conversation with this place. So we trod lightly and with much prayer cover. None the less I was aware of a connection with the land that in time will have something positive to offer where that connection has been lost.
So, at last we reached our destination some 13 months later from where we started out at the pier in Bournemouth. We unwrapped the bell from Chester House alongside 2 other bells from Linda Yoxon in Lincoln. One from the States, the liberty bell and one from Jerusalem and had a ringadingding fest on the beach. There was so much hilarity amongst the 3 of us we forgot to pray or speak out something profound in conclusion. We were done. It has all been said and all been done and until next time.....adieu.
My absolute thanks to Sue and Val for sticking with me, to Malcy for setting us up in the caravan, to Clare Amies and Sarah Holloway for kicking us off. To Jackie and Janey for walking with us. To Steve Lowton for having a nickable mantle and covering us all the way. I have treasured every text encouragement and personal prayers that have kept us safe. I honour the pursuit of the presence of God and the wild fire that is rising out of Wales.
I do have sight of a shape to be walked inside this 'bell' outline which I will attempt in the new year. Further in and further up,
As always there's such alotta glorreee on tha feet,
26th February to 1st March 2009
On April 27th, 2008, a group gathered to celebrate Easter on what would have been the date on the Celtic Christian calendar. We gathered on the Selsey peninsular where I live, here St.Wilfred established his governance on the south coast having already been the persuading orator at the Synod of Whitby to adopt the Roman way in 664.
Of the group that gathered from 20 different locations across England, a shape’ was formed, mapped out by each person's home, that marked out an area of England (as shown at top of page). We decided to form this ‘shape’ as we stood on the bleached stones of a desolate beach and called for Jesus' will to be done; Heaven2Earth. In September 2008, a group of us walked from Bournemouth to Brighton on the South coast to call for what God wants to open up. I now see that that walk was part of the 'shape' we had stood for in faith earlier at Easter. So I am calling for a team to walk on from Brighton along the coast to Margate which would continue along this marked out area. I do believe I am on my way to the furthest northern point of this 'shape' which is Lincoln.
As we continue to walk the West of the UK calling for what is rising there, it is for inheritance and an uncovering of the indigenous Christianity that spread like wild fire across this land. So now as we walk the East side we call for ‘a hand of blessing’ to rise and bless England to lower itself and receive what God is releasing from the West. I also think there is room to look further to the East where a monastic desert movement, away from empires control was formed. The kind of which was mirrored in the roots of Christianity wonderfully originating in the West of our Islands.
Walking this bit of coast undoubtedly raises issues of incomings and outgoings, mainland Europe, the sea and our identity as an island of islands! We will tank up on the Holy Spirit afresh in the present continuous tense so as to lock on to the face of Jesus, taken up with His consuming love for us.
So a team of 14 walked the coastline onwards from Brighton pier.
The 'City Gate' Brighton based church hosted our 'kick off' as the team met for the first time. Linda Yoxon from Lincoln came to see us off bringing a bubbly blessing of joy. The 'shape' of this walk looks like a bell, the 'ring a ding-ding' was literal as she gave us an American 'liberty' bell and a bell from the middle east to carry simultaneously.
We walk for the east in response to what is rising the west of the UK. On a larger scale, as far as west and east coming together we were happy to straddle 3 continents in our call! Drawing on an ancient Damascus well across to the awakening of the Jesus movement above the hills of San Francisco suits us fine!
Here, the call is for an indigenous way that belongs to these Islands where Roman verses Celt was the original 'war' for Christianity. A sign that the Roman layer of religion and control is beginning to lift and peel back at the edges was quietly prophesied to me a year ago and this sign appeared a week before we walked. With this in mind we were walking for Jesus to come and cleanse the land of the paganism and occult that religion and control hold in place.
The Key for us is intimacy with Jesus and getting so blasted with His joy that the burden remains light and the yoke easy. We did not want to get caught up with the 'footstool' but rather the King of Kings who for the Joy set before Him went to the cross in our stead. So we walked in the joy of the job already done and relieved from the duty of looking to ourselves to somehow add or take away from His complete work.
It is Welsh friends that I have to thank for the reckless pursuit of Jesus that intoxicates and immobilises my own control, endeavour and strength. Free wheeling with the Holy Spirit so takes the pressure off!!
In beautiful spring sunshine we absorbed beach promenades one after the other and continued to stride (ha!) over white cliffs where the seven sisters had definitely experienced a gift of multiplication. We navigated our way through a mix of quaint or fully automated ports into the heart of coastal Kent where French mobile signals swap for English in the proximity of foreign land and new adventure.
It was a pleasure to sit with Leanne, Jane and David over a glorious meal in Brighton, we were complete strangers but so welcomed. It was a last minute opening but Brighton welcomed with a flourish as is it's gift to do so. An alternative place which looks so far yet is easily so near to the Father's heart and has a DNA that will see something of God rise that is so new it may not even be recognised. The households we stayed with inhabited hospitality, connected deeply with the less than pretty side of town and had wonderful connections with the near and middle east. As we walked east this was a God encounter.
It is wonderful how God uses our mistakes to accomplish His work, there were 3 points that were particularly hard which often means we end up literally going back and forth over the same bit of ground not unlike a sawing action across the land.
The Sussex/Kent border was one, we past the 'Welcome to Kent' sign many times manoeuvring cars and retrieving forgotten keys! As we waited to assemble, a crescent moon hung sideways in the sky like a smile under a single brilliant star.... it looked so familier we stared it.....and then realised why, it was placed like Lincoln is above the circular lens around south London.
Dover was a hurdle and it felt like we went into slow motion, trying to keep 'on piste' whilst some were definitely 'off piste' stuck under a cliff! But as 2 of the team pressed on into Dover they encountered on the cliff top a God fearing woman in tears, distressed and desperate, kneeling over a bible. She was impoverishedly dressed, homeless and from Europe. They gave her what they had but were overwhelmed with this woman's faith. Just 50 yards before they had prayed for welcome in action for those that come to these shores. As they prayed with her, she in turn prayed for them and was so thankful to God even though she materially had nothing. These two walkers, both Angela's, were unsure whether the woman was angel or human but knew they had encountered God and a massive sign for the land.
Crossing Sandwich took 3 attempts and if we blinked we were lost! But this proceeded a strong walk into Thanet, ringing the awakening bells as we flew round the coast to Margate. We stepped up a gear pulling through with Holy Spirit propulsion all that has risen in our own lives, every thread from every groove our feet have trod to sew this area into the God weaved tapestry.
We were hosted In Deal for 2 days by the Evan's family, Chris and Sue allowed us to swamp their home while they fed us delicious food. Again the connection with the East was present as they had lived in Egypt and Sri Lanka. God's people are His gateways and we had such laughter in this true Well, fanned by Angels wings. A season of Hibernation is giving way to a new season, false canopies are being dismantled and rolled up. Gateway homes are being opened up for the wells they are, as the people of The Way rest and drink by them.
Honour to a great team; Phil and Val from Leeds, Linda from Lincoln, Sarah and Angela from Herts.
Sue, Paul, Angie and Alex from Cobham. Sue, Louise and Juliet from the south coast and Chris and Sue from Deal.
Two days after finishing this walk on the 3rd March ....
'An earthquake has shaken a coastal town in Kent - in nearly the same spot as a tremor two years ago. The British Geological Survey (BGS) said it recorded the earthquake at 1435 GMT in Folkestone of 3.0 magnitude, compared with the quake in 2007 which was 4.3. The epicentre of the 2007 quake was in the Channel, but this tremor was about three miles (5km) below Folkestone. A lot of people will have felt it and remembered the last one.' 22hrs later the next one was in Newport, South Wales (1.6 magnitude)....
The land is responding for the 'sons of God to come into their own'......and all creation's straining on tiptoe just to see.............Glory days and glory ways!
3rd Walk : Margate to Romford
May 7th to 10th, 2009
I am convinced to keep walking out this ‘shape’ and so this third leg will be along the northern Kent coast and the Thames Estuary including the Isle of Sheppey and Medway. On the south side of the Thames we will go as far as Gravesend and cross the water into Essex taking a path from Canvey Island to Romford. Then we shall set out north towards Lincoln on this leg for as much as time allows. I believe that the islands are important to be included in the mouthway of the Thames as we track with this entry point to London.The fourth leg will be on a direct line walking from Romford to Lincoln which will be a point of arrival and a place of influence that can affect the whole area being walked and marked out. I am so grateful to Linda Yoxon in Lincoln and that from the Easter celebration in 2008, the 'Linc' has been constant.
The Walk....
Starting long the coast towards Herne Bay, then Whitstable and Faversham it was quiet and non eventful, as if all was asleep in daylight hours.
We maintained the simple motion of walking with the feeling of being in a time warp, as if connection with reality was elusive. Were we actually attached to the rails of the track we sort to pick up? Pulling through from Bournemouth.... from Wales.... from the near and middle East...from Whitby to Rome to Jerusalem....and all that has been walked for calling for the ways of control to be derailed by a God who loves us into The Way of the Trinity.
Here we were, the formidable five from Leeds, S Coast and Deal close to the heart of 'Holy Romanised Britain', skirting around Canterbury like a nervous mouse aware that the cat is in the house and...and nothing. The weird thing is that the walking is not about the walking. Just walking is not enough, but when focused on Jesus and His wonderful face there is a connection between the nature of the ground our feet touch and the will of heaven that engages on us every level.
So when there is nothingness and doubts seep into the vacuum where engagement needs to take place, the temptation to look to oneself is strongest. It is yet another opportunity to be relieved from the duty of looking to ourselves, like Peter looking down and immediately sinking, our efforts are not required! When the pressure to be 'doing' something ignites freedom to enjoy Jesus loving on us, it is a big prayer especially when control is in the house.
Nothing, nothing...nothing...Bam! We hit Sittingbourne and the cat and mouse game was over, no more hiding, Kent came out to play and it was rough! Nearing the end of the first day, it took 2 hours to get through this town of corporate landscape, a giant industrial/retail park made up of roundabouts. This 'watcher', this 'door keeper' held us up, mixed us up and extricating ourselves from it's steely clutch was a task.
The next day was no easier, Sheppey, The Medway towns and Hoo peninsular to reach Gravesend was heavy work. Four of us navigated this coast with a mirth that grew thin as if all behind was sucking us back and all before us was barring the way. We were thankful to 3 Medway men who caught up with us at the boundary to bless our entry.
In the late afternoon sun with at least 20 miles to go, we set our faces to push the miles under our feet and cover the 'Hoo' peninsular. It was lush and beautiful. Rows of Poplars lined the fields and orchards like a scene out of 'Gladiator'... strikingly Romanesque. It was here a degree of peace descended and The Lion walked with us in the surge of extra strength or finding a way where there is no path, nudging us forward until it was done and Kent, contested from entry to exit, was finally in the bag.
On day three we continued across the Thames from Canvey Island to Romford and then north. Walking in Essex brought respite and lightened the feet, many joined us from the area taking up the slack and allowing us to be weary and carried. It was good to turn on our heels from heading west to the heart of Romford and face north towards Lincoln.
As Phil, a trusty Leeds steed sped back to family, Welsh reinforcements arrived for the last push on day four as Dave and Josh travelled 170 miles to raise our arms and walk with us thro Harlow and up to Royston. A peaceful end to a challenging journey which culminated in standing in St Albans for the winds of change and in preparation for the walk to Lincoln in June.
Jane Almond in Romford was a strong link and it was a pleasure to be in her home and connect with a definite 'node' on this 'shape'. Sue Evans from Deal gave us right of passage from the last walk accompanying us safely through her land on day one. Angela Austin stood in St Albans, a difficult place for a Boadicea and we honour you. Sarah Holloway of Wheathamstead, lowly in the high ground, opposing all that could have swallowed you whole, you are the underground resistance. Dave Griffiths in Bournemouth for being the anchor and holding it in place. Linda Yoxon in Lincoln, taking the squeeze as Lincoln's time for change arrives, we are on our way to receive the hand that blesses and stand with you in readiness.
My absolute gratitude to Sue, Val, Phil and Lizzie for being part of this mad enterprise and all your support. All who joined us, Vaughnee, Joshie, Gerry, Ann, Chris, Sean and Avril. To April and Derek in Herne Bay for hosting us so wonderfully. Jane and Gerry for all your provision and care of us. Huge appreciation for every single prayer, text, encouragement and support, it means so much.
11TH MAY 2009
Some wonderful sight came on the walk Brighton to Margate back in February which so highlighted a place already circled on the map. Just a hunch, a gut feeling that this place was key within the shape marked out on paper; the shape that we are now walking.
St Albans was about to reveal its wares through a banal set of leads in which a chrysler Jeep has the staring role....
......In a dream, Martin Scott handed Malc and I some keys. We were to go off and uncover something that had been 'buried in the war', hidden until such a time that it was safe to go back and recover it. We then found ourselves in a large barn where something was hidden under straw and camouflage netting. As we removed the covering, underneath was what looked like our Jeep and the dream ended.Our Jeep went to Wales 4 times last year and each trip it developed very serious and expensive faults whilst there.
While I was walking out of Brighton, Malc took the Jeep to Wales again and sure enough it stopped dead 2 miles outside Cardiff! One of the team from the St Albans area a saw a picture of a white rose on the jeep and said it was connected to the breakdowns. Another felt it was connected to where the Jeep was was bought in St Albans. I wondered what the white rose meant but did not want to jump to conclusions.
A week later Malc returned home with the Jeep working, only to find that once parked it had stopped dead outside our house. While shocked that the Jeep had stopped again, I had to cycle to the local Indian to pick up an order. While I paid, the waiter handed me a white rose, it was like being hit round the face! This had never happened in 12 years of take outs! As I cycled home I rapidly began to feel ill and ended up in bed with no appetite for dansak. The white rose weighed on my mind it looked so pure and fragile, it seemed to represent something very tender and precious.
The draw was to look into who Alban was, the '1st Christian martyr'.
In AD 250 (approx) he was a pagan who took in a Welsh Priest 'Amphibalus' on the run from the Roman army. Alban was converted by 'Amphibalus' and when the Romans came knocking, he took the endangered priests cloak and impersonated him. When found out, Alban was ordered to sacrifice to the Roman gods.
He refused and confessed Christ. So Alban was executed and then sacrificed to the Roman gods. Amphibalus was caught in Caerleon, South Wales having escaped and convinced many Britons of Christ. He was returned to St Albans and executed. Amphibalus means 'cloak' we don't even know the name of the Welsh priest but it is suggested that he was the Bishop on Llandaff (Cardiff) in the ancient church of the Britons.
A single white rose represents Pure Love.....Jesus love.....
'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends...'
An amazing love where a new believer willingly gives his life...this is what has been hidden during the original 'war' over Christianity. This at the heart of the indigenous church, no self preservation, no love of self but a pure single love that lays down it's life. A servant leadership that lowers itself for the sake of another... for the sake of Cymru.
We declared south to Brighton a pure love between men and north to Lincoln a ceasing of self preservation and self love.
St Albans is a Chester, where a foothold of the roman control digs deep. These feet will seek to hold out the longest but it is time for them to be uprooted. St Albans is in the heart of this shape we walk and this is where it starts.
22nd - 25th June 2009
This 'shape' like a bell and if cut through the middle, lines up Lincoln, St Albans and Brighton. St Albans is strongly highlighted in the heart of this 'shape'. There something of pure love to be uncovered that is Welsh and English together.We walk to Lincoln on Alban and Amphibalus' feast days, 22nd and 25th June, exactly one year on from spending a night on St Wilfred's 'mound' representing Lincoln and the south coast. We were calling for a new way having been so touched and transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit that is currently rising in Wales. I totally honour the Cymri and say without you we are half a person....
Your brokeness our brokeness and Your healing our healing.
I believe that God is marking out a territory that is to shift, where there is a key connected to Lincoln that will affect the entire South East. I believe this 'shape' to be just the beginning of a mapping that will step by step reveal pathways to undo the footholds of Roman control. This is connected to the Chesters which will hold out the longest to where they have rooted.
If Brighton is in place where the sound of this ‘bell’ is heard, the ' ring-a-ding ding', it will certainly be a very alternative wake up call that has not been heard before, lined up with pure time to straighten out the kinks causing perversion.
If Lincoln became enraptured with Jesus instead of itself then its influence would be like a beam of pure light flooding the South…so time to lay down the pride that looks to self.
Prayer walking is about being caught up with Jesus and not His footstool! Being loved on by Jesus is the biggest prayer to pour through our feet.
In a dream I was walking to Lincoln and in the sky words appeared above me as God spoke saying..'All must come out of rest now' there was no room for compromise on this now. This will be integral to the walk to Lincoln, a controlling place that would drive us and demand human effort of the highest kind to feed it's love of self. So I believe this is the battle ground and that we will be challenged to come in the utter rest of Jesus. So I am calling this the whack walk...a whalck!!! We are going to get so jacked to do this whalck because I know it will be the only way possible!!
The deepening of metaphors such as the white rose and the shape/sound of a bell on this walk are constructing something like an earthly constellation where the fixed points are only the beginning....
There is such an authority coming to tell the land how it is to be, what is to be restored and offering redemption as true choice.
Walking to Lincoln was strong and with faces like flint we drew on Jesus with every ounce of our being. Breathing in joy, glory and life lest that which we walked into should crush the airy lightness out of us.
We began in St Albans on Alban's feast day. Enveloped with Jesus' selfless love lining us inside and out, heaven stayed with us invading our senses and suspending us in a beautiful presence. That morning believers in St Alban's specifically went to the heart of their town to pray for release from free masonry. As we set off north of Romford we consciously carried what they had staked in the ground there.
There was small relief from the old roman road as the only way forward but we took every advantage to gain respite from a country lane. The road was tired, lifeless and draining, encouragements such as 'instruments of destruction', 'roads cracking and cobbles flying', 'pushing over walls that had already been shaken' were welcome.
Peterborough was an major encounter with nine miles from start to finish we took each mile for each year since 2000. We rehearsed the pain, death, hope, birth and the new in our lives from 2001-2009. We pulled Peterborough with us into the ninth mile finishing at St Pega's Road, 2009 and a new wine skin in an ancient track where Jesus just rested on us. Peterborough was a place to be seized and wrestled to the ground, a man of war to be subdued to lay down and not usurp, nor to borrow or obscure the light that is Lincoln's as a high place of influence. Instead it is a soft landing where many people's are welcome and it's strength lies in it's breadth, not its height. If places, like people, would stop trying to be what they are not they will find such peace and flourish.
With this city behind the first half of the walk felt complete. The second half was like a new walk. Lincoln was now in view and fresh team members joined us from Chester adding to those from Leeds, St Albans, Chichester and Worcester. Four significant roman 'chester' cities, places where control has it's footholds and will hold out longest against being up rooted. Lincoln is a major 'chester'.
The road felt so devoid of life....Lincoln seemed to charm us with a sleepy sympathetic 'curl up and forget all about it' which seductively stroked our weariness. The scot amongst us was untouched and trojan-like she stomped amongst us wee flopsy bunnies disturbing our reverie.
'And now... ALL must come out of Rest' had loudly been decreed by God as an audible instruction over this walk. The mocking 'rest' dulling our senses was to be shaken off into actively drinking 'It is finished' wine, receiving the strength of a complete work and walking 'Loved'.
In this 'second' stage of the walk if we drank we flew, if we forgot we quickly remembered. Roman market towns steeped in free masonry and tight control became the wells from which we drank. Sudden gusts of wind would rise and so would we as if our feet had wings. Angels would unfurl, spinning and rising in the marketplace as we past.
We arrived in Lincoln on St Amphibalus' feast day, the Welsh priest Alban died protecting. We were to head for the centre, no beach, no margin, no hiddeness but to the arches between the cathedral and the castle itself. Little people in the land of giants with a decree and a message for the ear of Lincoln.
This is a day of decision for Lincoln, a high place of influence that has been used, thwarted, twisted and deformed. God will restore to Lincoln its true calling and fulfillment of all it should be if it will turn from love of self to selfless love. This gift of governance is servant leadership, the place from where a 'bishops' hand will rise to bless England to lower itself in order to raise up that which it has repressed.
No label or recognition will come with this and where such things should have been Lincoln's which is part of its pain, this is a day of operating without that need. The comfort of the Lord to Lincoln is that it will be returned to its true state and influence in servant leadership which will bring peace and fulfillment. This is jubilee, this is redemption and a chance to start again.
Two types of white rose were laid at Lincoln's feet, one infested with aphids and the other beautifully pure and new. 'Choose this day whom you will serve' says the Lord.
Lincoln's influence shines out like a light southwards over London and covers it east to west. Then the light hits the southern circular edge of London and like a lens causes the light to display over the entire South East. On the map it looks like the shape of a bell, lining up Lincoln, St Albans, London and Brighton through the centre. This entire area is to shift.Lincoln is the at the apex of this bell and Brighton produces the sound.
Having walked this week with Paul Wood and Adam Clarke through east and north London, the need for Lincoln to be in place and issuing God's boundaries, instruction and discipline is paramount.
What is arriving on the back of the Olympics representing ancient empire and control must not find the map as it expected. The likely places for it's talons to sink into our nation must become a confusion, a grid that has so shifted beneath the surface that the old game of empire is confounded and a misfit to the DNA of this nation.
We scuttle around being faithful and obedient... we do not have to become a giant to bring giants down, we simply find the shoe laces, tie them together and let them bring themselves down.
God is breaking control in this nation whatever it puts on from it's dressing up box, be it masonic, roman, christian, islamic or occultic garb. God is taking us to the root and the apostasy of impersonating the Creator and littering creation with so many counterfeit female deities to defile that which came from the heart and womb of God.
There are myriads of connections that have come on this walk that are too many to share here suffice to say that those who walked with me are God given and vital connections. Val a dear friend and load bearer when I drop off. Sue with enormous heart and insight. Angela a provoking sign that so enabled me, Sarah's worship & rebel yell, Gracie mystic in2meC, Aidan mydearheart, Linda wise, Jane the Kiss, fun Ruthie, Phil's persistance, Mike's enthuse and David's joy.
Huge thanks to Sue and Paul Butler for hosting us just near Cambridge, great to have some time together with you.
Linda Yoxon, you have been the main life line to Lincoln for us and having us all in your house was such a fulfillment from a year ago sleeping rough on some weird dodgy mound near my house. I am so glad you did not do me the same favour!! Love to you and Mike. My thanks to Gill for help with the masonic stuff.
To everyone who prayed and covered our backs, all who cheer us on and believe in us, to husbands who release their women to the wild wonder!
For all that is rising in Wales and way beyond.
Control...The Final Frontier....
The rule of control is to divide and conquer, to hinder all that is divided in two from becoming one.

The 'V' for 'verses' and opposition holds two sides apart lest that which has been split joins forces squeezing out the splinter,
The wedge of control......
in the knowledge that if they become one
The control is lost.
Control uses deception and lies to separate two halves of the whole. It turns each against the other while ruling from the vantage point of favouring one above the other. It is like a cancer riddling one half with it's favour and ostracising the other causing deep wounds of offence. Neither half is the true enemy however cancered and deformed but rather the dividing wedge promoting enmity is....
Incomplete and unordered, these divides operate on many different levels presenting a way of life that is habitual and designed to keep creation, the sons and the daughters from coming into their own.
This is why we walk.
Calling for 2 to become 1, a walking heaven to earth connection in intimacy with Jesus and inhabitants of the Glory. A mystery, an unknown way flowing with The Holy Spirit. This is a time of Jubilee where divides are healed; The half which has dominated and forced it's rightness will be redeemed, reborn and have a fresh start. That which was crushed will be fearless to embrace it's counterpart and bring life where there has been death.
In June I approached Lincoln nervously as a controlling high place that would happily squeeze the life out of the likes of me. However in August I returned to a city that had become a friend and a safe place. The difference was incredible and I drove up north with tears of gratitude at such grace to be found in remarkably unlikely places. I knew we had touched the heart of Lincoln as we stood between the arches of cathedral and castle, and now somehow there is trust and no threat.
Every city where we have found refuge has always been in a village just outside and Lincoln's is Nettleham where Linda and Mike Yoxon live; a family with 6 children. Linda has been a linchpin to this walk, the consistent link to Lincoln where we stayed one more time before the journey south. Since arriving in Lincoln on 25th June, the Yoxon's now have an opportunity to relocate to the centre of France, in Clermont Ferrand, a seed that was planted in their hearts 11 years ago. Bishop Hugh, a Carthusian monk from Avalon (East France) was the only bishop of Lincoln given to eremetical practice and who respectfully refuted state control. His emblem is a white swan. A key has turned to return to France what was given and to connect a link in history for the future. Unless a seed goes into the ground and dies.....Mike Yoxon will be on the main board of Directors for a multi-national French company that sells tonnes of seed!It was a pleasure to stand for a moment in the centre of Lincoln and say thank you for receiving us. We walked 'tall' out of the city against the flow of people traffic flocking to the centre and we knew it's umbrella of protection would be afforded to us as far as was possible.
We were unable to find accommodation in peoples homes beyond Lincoln so we camped alongside a camper van that God so timely provided. I have so appreciated being able to connect with those who live and stand at the key points on this walk. Bournemouth, Brighton, Deal, Romford, St Albans and Lincoln have been such supports and I believe Maidenhead will be the next. It has felt like we are erecting a massive canopy over the land with the main supports in these places. So maybe the fact that we were in tents camping was a sign!
I do believe that in correlation to the 'Control' diagram, we have walked up the 'East' 'Left' side to Lincoln. Now we walk down the 'Right' 'West' side from Lincoln which has been dominant in England and where the control has favoured. Therefore it was no surprise to me that the 'Right' side was unable to accommodate the 'Left' side as yet. So we teach the land by who we are and literally walking and resting on it (lilos included....lie low England...ha! there is a meaning in everything!!! ).
If you draw a line between Lincoln and Maidenhead it manages to miss every conurbation. So we walked a hidden way, the way that is in between places and a reminder that it is in between that 2 becomes 1. It was a test to ignore the towns and cities we passed to our left and our right and the feeling that we 'should' set our feet there and 'do' something. Instead, for two days we meandered through countless 'chocolate box' villages enjoying the land, the Sonshine and the 'ease' that Lincolnshire had to offer.
On entering Northamptonshire above Corby we walked into a tiny village, Deene and Deene Park Estate, seat of the Earl of Cardigan.(The 7th one was infamous!) Another pretty village yet... our stomachs turned with a feeling of dread as if we had stepped over an invisible boundary and into a minefield. We were threatened on the road and followed, every public way through had been blocked and of the many geometric war memorials along the way Deene's made your head spin just looking at it. Finding a way through was indicative of 'what' we were walking through but this unseen 'road block' was a nut that had to be cracked. With ways hindered at every turn, waist high nettles, 8ft fences and overgrown woodland, we just knew that every step was making a way through. It took 2 hours to move 3 miles south and every minute was worthit!
Northamptonshire was not please to see us, not one camping ground would take us bar one in the very village where believers lived that we knew. This hard county was hostile to Jesus' way so we took our time to make every step count.
Two swans and 5 signets spent the 2 days with us at the campsite in Northamptonshire. The eremitic bishop Hugh of Lincoln is depicted with his right hand on a swans head. This swan had a deep and lasting love for the saint, even guarding him while he slept. It would follow him about and was his constant companion whilst he was at Lincoln. With 5 on team and we took comfort from the 5 ungainly signets being guarded fiercely by these beautiful creatures!
Bedfordshire was noticeably softer ground and Buckinghamshire put up more of a fight. The biggest hurdle was to get past was Milton Keynes, a place to be taken not by seizing it but rather 'walking by' it. As we crossed the M1 entering it's jurisdiction it was like opening door. Sure enough the heavens opened with driving rain above us but in front of us the grey cloud parted forming a circle of sun drenched white cloud Michael Angelo style! There was such strength for walking this place just skimming it's eastern border helped by a stonking home guard taking authority and covering our backs. We carved a wild path through ploughed fields, industrial blots on the landscape and hidden bridleways. Soaking wet we called for new lines to be set in the land, for the spirit of Jesus to flow through new Jesus 'ley lines' that pull the area like a magnet into His ways.
Milton Keynes did however cause havoc with internal compasses as we sought to get further south to finish. The amount of 'off-piste' occurrences hampered our progress with quite creative detours and so we completed the walk 15 miles short of our original itinerary but at a key juncture. A place called 3 locks on what was the Grand Union canal. I believe that this is a place to call for the unlocking of a 3 tiered locking system that holds the area. This is depicted by 3 triangular shapes that begins at 3 locks and completes at Milton Keynes. I would not have had sight of this had we not got lost that day. So we will return to this point at the beginning of the 6th and final leg of this walk to hopefully turn the key in the barrel.
My huge thanks to all who helped, supported and carried us. To the Stewart family for coming with us and setting up camp, Ian, Zach, Hamish and Angus. To Adrian and Jacquie Dykstra from Bridgend, Mags 'motor snail' Tyler from the Wirral, Baz and Linda Gascoyne from Sheffield, Sarah 'toff' Holloway from St Albans and Soo all amazing Stewart from Chichester.
14th - 18th October 2009
This is the 6th and final leg of a walk that started at Bournemouth in Sept'08 along the south coast to Brighton. This February we continued along the coast to Margate and in April we walked towards London to connect with Romford. In June we arrived in Lincoln from Romford and in August we left Lincoln heading for Maidenhead.This final leg will go through Maidenhead and return to Bournemouth to complete the outline of a bell-like shape. I have felt to have this shape walked and marked out by the end of the year 2009.
This will be a 5 day walk starting at the three locks just south of Milton Keynes.
There is some business to be done at the 3 locks as we kick off which I hope will unlock the area of Milton Keynes. There is a key connection to stay right in that area the night before the walk with gate keepers who have stood where it has been hard to stand.
For me there are key 'nodes' on this outline, Maidenhead and Bournemouth are 2 of these so to connect with both on this walk is a substantial part of the whole walk. This feels like a big push to complete and finish well so that all is in place for the coming year. I do not know how this proceeds into next year but I have hopes!
I hope for deeper revelation to unlock the footholds of control within this area, the areas it has affected and those it is connected to.
I am hoping for the bell to start to sound in Brighton and across the south coast.
I am hoping for Lincoln to start to express a selflessness and for St Albans to unearth a deeper magic of pure love that lays down it's life.
I am hoping for a righteous influence to bring governance and discipline to London from Lincoln. An influence without position.
I hope for massive healing to course through the West Midlands where the welts of division are like open wounds from the south east up into that area.
I hope for England to reposition, to lower itself into servant leadership and to raise Wales, the South West, Scotland and Ireland above itself.
I hope for new words to be written on fresh english pages from the inkwells of Damascus to the pounding of the hills above San Francisco of the Jesus movement.....Ah! Many hopes but just following heavens impressions on my heart without huge amounts of understanding.
Some places are tiny and of no significance, yet we trip over them as if they are major concerns. Suddenly we are dealing with unseen boundaries and connections that hold control in the land but on the ground are barely existent. Walking caught up with Jesus brings such revelation in the ease and lightness of just being with Him.
A special request of the Most High for the 5 days of walking was 'serene' weather which was delivered first class :) With a great mix of Wales, Leeds, South Coast, St Albans and Chester pulling for this completion, we kicked off at the 3 Locks south of Milton Keynes. We sat in the 'Amies' family home sharing why we were there as we watched the flames of the open fire lick around an cast iron Bell protruding from the back of the grate.
We talked of 3 triangular areas possibly connected to 3 locks on the local canal. We find out that the smallest of these triangles is where four murders have taken place in the last year. The next triangle has the roman Watling street running through it on which sat one of the main Assizes (old criminal court). The largest triangle takes in Milton Keynes and is bordered by Watling Street, the roman road to Chester from St Albans and the Northants border. I suspected a direct connection to the tiny village of Deane where we hit such poo (technical spiritual term) on the last walk. Clare Amies then proceeded to tell me that they as family have a direct connection with the Lady at Deane Park through marriage.
I have noticed that in areas that are locked up with death that God always has a faithful gate keeper, a key. Someone who is willing to lay down their own hopes and dreams in order to stay in an area which can feel like voluntarily laying down in a coffin! It is like He places a living key in the barrel of a lock and when the time comes, the living key turns and unlocks what the deceiver thought was deadlocked. There is always a deeper magic and Clare, just like Jesus, you are that living key....thank you :)
So the 'living key' turns at 3 locks unlocking 3 triangles geographically from smallest to largest. It was like God was saying... whatever you do in the smallest area I will replicate in the larger areas so go and do whatever you like and have some fun! So we did... to ultimately shift a shadow that covered most of Northants and north Bucks.
Afterwards we were free to plow on to Maidenhead although my connection there was in Mozambique! Annie Bullen and her husband Julian have been there for a year living amongst and helping the Koti people. They are remarkable and welcomed us from afar as we walked into their hometown alongside the Stocks of Marlow who looked after us incredibly. Three adjacent roads in Maidenhead centre caught my eye, Key Place, King Street and Bell Road so we headed there. A young man, Davey Jones welcomed us just as we arrived at the connection of these 3 roads where there was a pub with a massive sign saying 'The Bell'. We had to tarry for a drink at such a great sign.
Winged feet sped us south west now on the run to Bournemouth. Since Lincoln the path seems to deliberately avoid large towns; All that is between Reading and Wokingham is a motorway intersection which was right in our path but there was no way to cross this blot on the landscape. Such monstrosities on the land become obvious on foot, so Janey from Chester and I made our way where there was no way, for the sake of change at this key cross roads which includes the M4 to S Wales.
The further south we trekked, the harder the ground generally felt with the odd bounce on a bridle way or secluded lane which became less all the while. From this point on we were a team of 3, 3 buddies and 3 women.
Basingstoke in Hampshire, is shaped like an arrowhead directed straight at Bournemouth and was a place our feet were to touch right through it's line of symmetry. I had bought a cast iron bell on line and noting it was from Basingstoke, arranged to pick it up on route. As I stood in the vendors home, above the doorway were the words 'Chester House'...back in 1997 God laid on my heart about 'the Chesters' being the footholds of control that would hold out the longest and be the last places to relinquish control. I have felt that this shape I am walking is directly connected to this. As the occupier of Chester House informed me that he had wrapped up the bell so that the clacker would not sound, I giggled....this is all so madly wonderful, I am so free to not have a clue and enjoy the humour!
Winchester's territory is almost on Basingstoke's doorstep, this Chester sprawls like a spider web across the countryside and again in the most unlikely of tiny places we hit it's restriction and keep out sign. By a pond and 6 houses, barely a village and we can feel the familiar invisible wall. All public access ways were blocked except the roman way in, which Scottish Val pounded her way down head butting invisible legions as she went. These high level control places always manifest confusion so it was no surprise to then discover the car keys were lost... but Jesus always has his stewards on hand. We are forever indebted to a stranger called Mary coming to our rescue and carting us round the countryside. Also a friend, Keith from Winchester who has frequented our holy spirit drinking times at home happened to drive past me and stopped. This connection apart from being amazing timing prevented me taking a dire route choice.
The last adventure as Bournemouth lay before us was the New Forest, a place conserved by royal command for centuries where animals have the priority with in an ancient tradition of land management. It was like entering a fairytale land of enchantments and charms. Nothing is as it seems, time has gone for a nap and hoodwinking is a habitual pastime. We slipped and slid over it's slippery surface as if on an ice rink. The witchcraft was so strong but there was also something else. Creation felt so much more alive although it was certainly not ready to address or enter into conversation with this place. So we trod lightly and with much prayer cover. None the less I was aware of a connection with the land that in time will have something positive to offer where that connection has been lost.
So, at last we reached our destination some 13 months later from where we started out at the pier in Bournemouth. We unwrapped the bell from Chester House alongside 2 other bells from Linda Yoxon in Lincoln. One from the States, the liberty bell and one from Jerusalem and had a ringadingding fest on the beach. There was so much hilarity amongst the 3 of us we forgot to pray or speak out something profound in conclusion. We were done. It has all been said and all been done and until next time.....adieu.
My absolute thanks to Sue and Val for sticking with me, to Malcy for setting us up in the caravan, to Clare Amies and Sarah Holloway for kicking us off. To Jackie and Janey for walking with us. To Steve Lowton for having a nickable mantle and covering us all the way. I have treasured every text encouragement and personal prayers that have kept us safe. I honour the pursuit of the presence of God and the wild fire that is rising out of Wales.
I do have sight of a shape to be walked inside this 'bell' outline which I will attempt in the new year. Further in and further up,
As always there's such alotta glorreee on tha feet,
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