Welcome to Pinky's mystic cove....

Married & mum of 3 boys :) Living on an outpost looking in, on the edge where the air is thin and hooked up to a network of amazing people. Intimacy is my mantle and berserker is my nature. Radical is my passion and seeing is my life. Living loved is my journey....

Thursday, 12 November 2009


What if deposits are on the move?
Places where God history has been established for centuries.
new, it may not even be recognised as the same root....


Mags said...

Makes yer wanna dig a well or two :)

Katherine Garda said...

Can imagine yr low voice sayin this Snailee, probably a right old wierd plant growin through your home! X

Kate said...

Kathy that totally describes how I feel about where we live!!!! I feel a bit speechless after reading that and knowign how I feel about my home and the vision God has given me!

Phil said...

Dormant but not dead. Just waiting for for water and a little light! Woo hoo.

Jane said...

One for the land - you punch it through, girl! The land breathes and carries life beneath his hand...

Anonymous said...

right on ... popping up in strange places, funny where the honey is found ... also saw Mario leaping to find hidden boxes of treasure in the sky ... gotta take the leap to find them though. You never know, till you go! :)

Katherine Garda said...

Lovit Pooh's honey quest, and that funny little pink piglet that tags along lol tiddley pom :D the more we go tiddle pom :D